Miami Concert Fall 2023Yamile Pedro at Hollye Davidson Exhibition Fall 2023Gined Lopez Ganem at Hollye Davidson Exhibition Fall 2023Alberto Puerto and Gined Lopez Ganem at Hollye Davidson Exhibition Fall 2023Hollye Davidson immersion Fall 2023Hollye Davidson immersion Fall 2023GG Art Space and Marti Productions at Koubek Center Spring 2023Alberto Puerto at Koubek Center Spring 2023Hollye Davidson and Gined Lopez Ganem at Hollye Davidson Exhibition Fall 2023GG Art Space at Miami Hispanic Cultural Center Spring 2022Alberto Puerto at Books and Books Spring 2023Hollye Davidson Exhibition Fall 2023Hollye Davidson Fall 2023Alberto Puerto and Gined Lopez Ganem Concert Fall 2023Yina Hurtado, Alberto Puerto, and Otto Santana Fall 2023GG Art Space presenting Alberto Puerto in concert, Fall 2023